Garden Expo/Wisconsin Grape Growers Association – Table Grape and Pruning Program
Dormant season pruning, summer vine management and trellising, and summer pruning are three of the most important techniques a grower needs to master if he or she is to grow healthy and productive grapes.
Portions of the presentation below were presented at the Wisconsin Commercial Fruit and Vegetable Conference and modified for the Wisconsin Garden Expo program.
The second presentation is the first section of the Wisconsin Garden Expo program and focuses on Seedless Table Grape production at the UW-Madison, West Madison Ag. Research Station.
garden Expo.Beginning Pruning 6
Garden Expo Seedless Table Grapes 7
This article was posted in Backyard grapes, Berries, Fruit, garden update, Grape Vine Pruning, Grapes, Growing grape vines, Seedless Table Grapes, Table grapes, Wine grapes, Wisconsin Cold Hardy Grapes and tagged expo program, food, fruit, grapes, juice grapes, plants, seedless table grapes, table grape production, University Display Gardens, wine grapes, Wintery hardy grapes, wisconsin, Wisconsin Grape Growers Association.