Seedless Table Grape Report

The seedless table grape trial at the station, in the garden, began in 2007. Fifteen varieties were planted in early June. We were all optimistic and had great hopes that at least four or five of the varieties would over-winter and produce a great crop of seedless table grapes. The hardiness zones for the grape varieties ranged from Zone 6 to Zone 4. Only one selection was rated at Zone 4. Most fell in the range of 5a or 5b.

Now five years later, we know that 12 of those original 15 varieties have over-wintered, and produced abundant fruit that ripens in our climate, and each has a unique and unusual taste.
Our annual seedless table grape report for 2012 has a detailed account of the varieties that have over-wintered, and a description of each variety. Please check the link below for the annual report.

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